Functionality of the Tool
This tool is used to export a display as a PNG, JPEG or PDF, or to export the data of the data sources in the display as CSV or Excel files.
Display Export
To export a signal as PNG, JPEG or PDF the user needs to select the desired format first.
If “Collapse Sidebar” is enabled, the sidebar (showing the Export tool) will be automatically collapsed and not contained in the screenshot.
If “Zoom to Content” is enabled, the display will be zoomed to your contant that no space is wasted.
The filename can be specified optionally.
To export the file, the user needs to click the “Export” button.
Data Export
The data export is used to export the data of the PI-Tags and attributes which are used in the display.
To export a signal as CSV or Excel the user needs to select the desired format first.
The “Interpolated” option will export interpolated data with the specified interval. The default value is 1h.
To export the raw data which is stored in the historian, the user can select “Recorded” instead.
“Local Time” will use the timezone of the user for timestamps in the exported file, whereas “UTC” uses the UTC timezone.
If “All Signals” is selected, the exported file will contain the data of all signals in the display. If the user wants to export only a subset of signals, this option can be set to “Selected Signals”, giving the user the possibility to specify which signals should be exported. In both cases, the checkbox "Include multi-state signals" can be ticked to include multi-state signals in the export.
The filename can be specified optionally.
To export the file, the user needs to click the “Export” button.
Signal Export
The signal export is used to export all signals, including multi-state signals, that are used in the display.
To create a signal export, first select the desired output format. This can be either a TXT, CSV or Excel file. Then press Export.