Starting the Control
To start the control click on the “Assets” button in the upper left corner of the PI Vision display.
In the upper part select “weruMultiGauge” by clicking on it.
Afterwards the desired attribute from the asset tree could be added to the display via drag and drop. The MultiGauge control appears on the display and can be used.
Add additional Attributes
When the control is already present on the display, it is possible to add more attributes by dragging and dropping them on the control.
Change the Size of the Control
In case that the legend or some part of the control is not visible, it is necessary to adjust the size of the control. To do so, the first step is to change into edit mode (Icon in the upper right corner) and in a second step to click on the control. The eight appearing dots around the control can be used to adjust the size that everything is visible.
With a right click on the control it is possible to press "Configure". Thereby the configuration tile appears.
There you can configure the minimal and maximal value of the Gauge.
When activating the checkbox “Get Min and Max from AF”, the Gauge sets the limits based on the “Minimum” and “Maximum” Limits which are set in AF for the attribute.
Tag Configuration
The “Tags” section in the configuration pane allows to rearrange, rename and remove individual tags and attributes that have been assigned to the symbol.
The list in the upper part contains all signals which are used by the symbol. To order can be adjusted by selecting a signal in the list with the left mouse button and pressing the arrow buttons underneath to shift the signal upwards or downwards in the list.
The display name of a PI-Tag or attribute can be changed by selecting the signal in the list and then clicking on the name in the lower part of the configuration. This provides the possibility to choose between
Element | Attribute Name
Attribute Name
A custom name
For PI-Tags it is only possible to choose the PI-Tag name or a custom one.
A signal can be removed by selecting it in the list and then clicking on the trashcan icon in the lower left corner.
Every Signal gets a color assigned by default. The assigned color can be adjusted through the configuration pane by selecting the signal in the list and then using the color picker in the lower right corner to select a new one. The changes are applied as soon as the user closes the dialog.
Legend Configuration
The Legend Section in the configuration pane allows to specify how the legend of the symbol should be displayed.
Legend Mode
Allows to set the overall appearance of the legend in three modes:
Normal: Names of signals are displayed from left to right. If there is not enough space, the legend expands over multiple rows.
Scroll: Names of signals are displayed from left to right. If there is not enough space, they are paginated and the user can scroll from left to right to see all.
Off: The legend is turned off and not visible.
Space for Legend
If the legend interferes with the chart, the user has the possibility to specify an offset in pixels to adjust the height of the legend. Needs to be a whole number.
Show Units
Can be deactivated to not show the Unit of Measure to the user.
Text Configuration
The Text section in the configuration pane allows the user to configure a variety of settings with regards to text, like title, font sizes and text colors.
Font Size
The Font Size can be adjusted by setting a whole number.
Text Color
The text color is set automatically by default. depending on the background color of the display. If the background color is bright, the text color is set to black, if the background color is dark, the text color is white.
By disabling the checkbox “Use Automatic Text Color” a new color picker pops up below the checkbox allowing the user to specify a custom text color.
The checkbox “Show Title” can be checked to enable the title and set further options:
Title: The title that is shown in the symbol
Title Font Size: The font size of the title
Title Color: Only available, if “Use Automatic Text Color” is disabled. Allows to set a custom text color for the title
Removing the Control
Before removing the control it is necessary to switch into edit mode (Icon in the upper right corner). Thereafter it is possible to click on the control and press the delete key to remove the control.