Multi Gauge

Multi Gauge


The MultiGauge symbol is a graphical element that combines multiple needles on a single gauge, each representing a distinct measurement or value. This innovative visualization tool allows you to monitor and compare multiple parameters simultaneously within a single symbol. This symbol is particularly valuable when you need to observe relationships or trends between multiple variables in a concise and intuitive manner or condense information as much as possible.

Starting the Control

To start the control click on the “Assets” button in the upper left corner of the PI Vision display.

In the upper part select “weruMultiGauge” by clicking on it.

Afterwards the desired attribute from the asset tree could be added to the display via drag and drop. The MultiGauge control appears on the display and can be used.

Add additional Attributes

When the control is already present on the display, it is possible to add more attributes by dragging and dropping them on the control.

Change the Size of the Control

In case that the legend or some part of the control is not visible, it is necessary to adjust the size of the control. To do so, the first step is to change into edit mode (Icon in the upper right corner) and in a second step to click on the control. The eight appearing dots around the control can be used to adjust the size that everything is visible.


With a right click on the control it is possible to press "Configure". Thereby the configuration tile appears.


There you can configure the minimal and maximal value of the Gauge.

When activating the checkbox “Get Min and Max from AF”, the Gauge sets the limits based on the smallest “Minimum” and highest “Maximum” Limits which are set in AF for the attribute.

Removing the Control

Before removing the control it is necessary to switch into edit mode (Icon in the upper right corner). Thereafter it is possible to click on the control and press the delete key to remove the control.

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