SPC Trend

SPC Trend

A Statistical Process Control (SPC) trend chart is a graphical representation that displays data points collected over time to track and analyze the performance of a process. Unlike traditional line charts, SPC trend charts emphasize the variability and patterns in data points, enabling the detection of shifts, trends, and other changes in the process. Furthermore, it uses visual alarms to provide immediate notification when data points fall outside specified control limits or predefined thresholds.

SPC trend charts are often utilized to:

  1. Monitor Process Stability: By plotting data points chronologically, you can quickly identify any shifts or abnormalities in the process mean or variability.

  2. Detect Trends: Trends can indicate gradual changes or improvements in the process performance that might require attention or investigation.

  3. Identify Seasonality: Seasonal patterns or cyclic variations in the data can be detected through SPC trend charts.

  4. Monitor Control Limits: Upper and lower control limits are often added to the chart to highlight when data points fall outside acceptable ranges.

  5. Evaluate Process Changes: When process modifications are made, SPC trend charts help assess the impact on process performance over time.

Starting the Control

In PI Vision, click on "Assets" at the top left to expand the corresponding area.

In the upper area click on "weruSPCTrend" to select the control.

Then you can search for the desired PI tag and add it to the display using Drag&Drop.

Functionality of the Control

The Control shows in a trend view all data points within the configured time range.

Background Color

The thin black line in the center indicates the average value, unless a value other than "Center Line" has been specified in the configuration. Each color gradation up and down corresponds to one sigma of deviation. At +/- 3 sigma, a thin blue line is visible and the corresponding value is plotted on the right y-axis.



There are 7 different alarm types, each of which can be customized in the configuration. Each one can give an indication of anomalies in the data so that it can be reacted to at an early stage. Once the alarms have been activated in the configuration, it is possible to adjust the given parameters per alarm. As soon as a data point fulfills one of the activated rules, it will be displayed with the stored symbol instead of just a small black dot in the control. If more than one rule applies to a data point, the rule that is the highest in the list will be displayed (for alarm 1 and 3 at the same time, a red circle will be displayed).

Plot Time

Here you can select whether all data points are used that are in the time range of the PI Vision display or statically the last n data points are used that were recorded before the end date.

Chart Type

The following types of SPC control can be displayed: Individuals, Average. The control handles the available data points as follows, depending on the configuration:

  • Individuals: It works directly on the raw data. Each data point in the PI system is considered individually and displayed in the control.

  • Average: If the chart type is changed to Average, the sample size must also be configured between 2 and 25. Subsequently, 2 to 25 data points are combined to one data point in order to display an average value. This is then displayed in the control and used for further calculations.

Limit Calculation

Within Sigma Calculation, you can select which formula is to be used to calculate Sigma. Average Range Estimate and Average Standard Deviation Estimate are available.

Average Range Method:

Sigma is calculated as follows:

The Average Moving Range is calculated using:

Average Standard Deviation Method:

Sigma is calculated as follows:

The Average Standard Range is calculated using:

Under Center Line, another value can be defined as the center line instead of the average. Upper and Lower Control Limit define the value of +/- 3 Sigma. Upper and Lower Specification Limit have no influence on the calculations and define the specification limits and are displayed with dashed lines in the Control.

When DataZoom is enables, the user has the possibility to zoom into the data.



Removing the Control

Before removing the control it is necessary to switch into edit mode (Icon in the upper right corner). Thereafter it is possible to click on the control and press the delete key to remove the control.


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