


The map symbol is used to show the position of AF elements on a world map. AF attributes can be used to dynamically set the elements' colors. Additional information can be seen in a tooltip when hovering the mouse over a point on the map.


The control displays AF elements. These elements need to have attributes called “Latitude” and “Longitude” which represent the element's position in degrees.

Starting the Control

To start the control click on the “Assets” button in the upper left corner of the PI Vision display.

In the upper part select “weruMap” by clicking on it.

Afterwards the desired element from the asset tree could be added to the display via drag and drop. The Map control appears on the display and can be used.

It is important to drag the whole element as opposed to individual attributes.

Additional elements can be dragged and dropped onto the same Map symbol to display more than one element on the same map.


With a right click on the control in the upper area there is the possibility to press "Configure". Thereby the configuration tile appears.

Point styles

A FontAwesome icon can be chosen as the point marker. The unicode of the desired icon can be entered as a text. The icons and their unicodes can be looked up at https://fontawesome.com/icons . Once an icon is entered, its size can be configured as well.

Under Filtering, points can be filtered out if one of their attributes has a specific value. The attribute can be chosen from a dropdown box. Next, the value at which to hide the point can be entered. In the example below, assets with a pH attribute of exactly 5 will be filtered out.





Here the point colors can be configured.

The colors can be configured to be dynamic based on an attribute’s value being under or over a threshold. If there are AF limits configured for the attribute, one of those can be chosen as the threshold.


There are three ways to configure the tooltips for the points on the map.


In this mode, all attributes and their values will be shown in the tooltip.


In this mode, attributes to be shown in the tooltips can be chosen from a list of attributes that can be found in every element on the map.


In this mode, attributes can be configured based on the templates used for the elements in the map. For each element template, its attribute templates can be chosen to appear in the tooltip.


Under assets, individual settings for each asset shown in the symbol can be configured. Individual color settings as well as individual icons can be set for each attribute. Here attributes can also be removed from the symbol by clicking the red trash can icon.


With the button labeled “Remember Zoom”, the current zoom into the map can be remembered. For this zoom to be saved, the Save Display button has to be clicked as well. When loading the display, the map will the automatically load to the saved zoom.

There is also the possibility to use the Bing Maps view for the symbol. For this, a Bing Maps API key needs to be saved within the Werusys PI Vision Suite config file.

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Werusys Industrieinformatik Institut für angewandte Systemanalytik und
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50672 Köln

Tel.: +49 (0)221 97 03 48 – 0
